Prompt RIS Entry & STAT Notification Requests
The completion of the online order entry step (in RIS) for an exam triggers our staff to begin our piece of the workflow to get the exam on the Radiologist's worklist and, ultimately, back to your facility in the form of a final report. Prompt RIS entry helps us reduce the amount of time your ordering provider is waiting on a report. We request your help in ensuring a continuous workflow by completing RIS entries promptly throughout the day instead of at the end of the day, or in batches.
As every minute can be critical in a life or death situation, a call to the main line (308-865-2231) in addition to marking sn exam as STAT in RIS during online order entry is helpful to ensure your STAT has our attention right away.
Additionally, we would ask that you make specific mention when sending an exam with stroke or trauma protocol so that it can go to the top of the Radiologist's worklist.
Thanks, in advance!