Online Order Entry Review: Order Notes
Let’s take a moment to “brush up” on some of the online order entry processes, and review necessary information the radiologists are looking to receive. A complete online order entry will ensure the radiologist has everything needed to generate a complete report. One area of particular importance is the Order Notes box, found within the Order Tab. Think of this section as your “direct line” to communicate with the radiologist!
In the Order Notes section, we ask that you list for us: total image count, relevant comparison dates (if there are none, state “no comparison”), contrast information on contrasted studies (type and amount), any extra information for the radiologist (such as patient issues, patient symptoms, relevant lab results, etc) and STAT information (list specifically whether it is a Draft or Call, and include the provider name and phone number for a STAT Call). A simple acronym to remember this information is “I.C.C.E.S.”
Also, as a reminder, all CT, MR, US, NM, and MG studies should have an accompanying technologist worksheet, or notes on the images. Our Teleradiology staff will call in all cases where a worksheet is not received for these study types. If you purposely omitted submission of a worksheet, it will save your staff a phone call, and the possibility of us delaying the study, if you would simply note “no worksheet” in the Order Notes box as well.
