Last Call for CE Registrations!

PRS is working with Stronger Links Medical Imaging Education to bring you quarterly education opportunities via webinar. In response to feedback we've received, we'll be trying a new format with a recorded video session that will be available to complete within a designated 48-hour time frame. This means that you can still earn CE credit, even if you can't be at your computer for a straight 2-hour block of time to view the webinar in a single session.
Contrast Enhancement in CT Webinar • To be completed between March 21st-23rd
- Each registrant will be emailed a link available from 8am MT on Tuesday, March 21 through 10pm MT Thursday, March 23. The content video will not be available outside this time range.
- Each registrant will view the video, then send a response to Stronger Links stating they have viewed the video.
- Stronger Links will send a post-test to each registrant who confirmed having viewed the video. The post-test is to be printed, completed, and returned via email or ground mail.
- The post-tests will be graded and returned to the participant. If the participant passed, a certificate will also be sent.
- Each participant will also receive a satisfaction survey for this CEU experience. Completion of the survey is not attached to receiving credit, however, it would be greatly appreciated!
Registration is due online by 3/17 at 1pm CST & space is limited! To register online, please visit: